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Suite 5, 5 Green St Maroubra NSW 2035 02 9700-8600

No Duty Owed by a Certifier
The question as to what an Occupation Certificate (OC) actually means is articulated within the following extract taken from a lawyer’s...

Building Upgrade Requirements When is a building required to be upgraded?
The question of when an existing building needs to be upgraded to comply with the deemed-to-satisfy (d-t-s) provisions of the current BCA...

Occupation Certificate (OC)
An occupation certificate, issued under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, allows a person to occupy and use a new...

Complying Development Certificate (CDC)
Complying development is an efficient and faster approval process which ensuring stringent planning and environmental requirements are...

Development Applications (DA) and Construction Certificates (CC)
Development Application A Development Application is an application for Council to consider your proposal for development. The...
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