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Glossary of Typical Fire Equipment

The following list of fire services must be tested and certified annually if they are installed within a building.

Access panels, doors & hoppers to fire rated shafts & risers

Prevents fire spreading through fire rated walls of shafts and risers within a building mechanical hydraulic risers (Eg. lift shafts, electrical);

Automatic Fail Safe Devices

Doors that are fitted with a fail-safe device are required to be automatically unlock and/or close upon the activation of a sprinkler system or smoke & heat detector system installed within the building;

Automatic Fire Suppression System (Fire Sprinklers)

Sprinkler systems are intended to control and suppress a fire.

Sprinkler heads only operate individually, at the point of the fire;

Building Occupant Warning System (BOWS)

This system is designed to alert occupants of a fire alarm. They form part of the fire detection system or sprinkler system. They provide early warning of an emergency;

Emergency Lights & Exit Signs

Emergency lights and exit signs provide a visual guide for the safe evacuation of the building occupants. In the event of a failure to the electrical supply they will continue to operate under batter power;

Fire & Solid Core Doors

Prevents fire spreading through fire rated walls – between fire compartments

Fire doors must be tagged, self-closing with compliant hardware and gaps.

Solid core doors must also be self-closing;

Fire Hose Reels

Provide an accessible & controlled supply of water to combat a fire risk.

These are usually (but not always) located within 4m of an exit;

Fire Hydrants

Fire hydrants are used by the Fire Brigade when fighting a fire.

These are usually (but not always) located in a fire stair;

Portable Fire Extinguishers

Used for extinguishing or containing small fires. There are several types of extinguishers available – the correct type must be selected for a particular fire risk (training is recommended);

Automatic fire detection & alarm systems

Designed to detect smoke/heat, alert occupants of a fire and allowing them to evacuate as quickly as possible in an emergency;

Smoke Alarms

Provides occupants an early warming for fire, allowing evasive action to be taken.

They are usually connected to the 240v power supply with battery backup. For use in residential buildings;

Fire Dampers

Prevent fire spreading through fire rated walls/floors – between fire compartments. Dampers must be installed within the penetration of line rated wall;

Fire seals protecting openings in the fire resisting components of the building

Prevents fire spreading through fire rated floors & walls – at electrical, electronic, plumbing, etc. penetrations;

Fire Shutters and Fire Windows

Prevents fire spreading through fire rated walls – between fire compartments;

Lightweight construction

Can be used for fire rated walls and to protect non fire-rated structural members.


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